Thursday, 02.02.2017


2017 / 201702 / Buchvernissage
Book Launch “Mapping Graphic Design History in Switzerland”
Davide Fornari, Robert Lzicar

Cover of Mapping Graphic Design History in Switzerland (Triest 2016).

Mapping Graphic Design History in Switzerland is not just another book that retells the success story of Swiss graphic design. It is a collection of eleven selected essays deriving from academic research that explores historical dimensions of graphic design in Switzerland – from producing it, to archiving and exhibiting it.

The book is also an endeavor to open up a space for graphic design history by providing new perspectives, ideas and tools that enable historical research in such a crucial field for Switzerland as graphic design and typography.

On this occasion, the editors Davide Fornari and Robert Lzicar and publisher Triest invite you to celebrate the launch of the book. A presentation of the book will be followed by a number of talks by contributors and sponsors on why they did support / contribute. The evening will end with a toast on the publication.


19:00–19:10 Greeting: Kerstin Forster (publisher at Triest Verlag)
19:10–19:30 Presentation of the book: Davide Fornari, Robert Lzicar (editors of “Mapping Graphic Design History in Switzerland”)
19:30–19:40 Speaker 1: Sarah Owens (ZHdK and Swiss Design Network SDN)
19:40–19:50 Speaker 2: Marina Oliveira (Designer of Visual Essays, Graphic Designer, Zurich)
19:50–20:00 Speaker 3: Peter Vetter (Coande, ZHdK)
20:00–20:10 Speaker 4: Bettina Richter (Poster Collection, MfG - auf Deutsch/in German)
20:10–20:15 Questions & Statements
20:15–21:00 Apéro

Davide Fornari is associate professor at ECAL University of Art and Design in Lausanne, where he leads the research and development sector. He has previously been teacher and researcher at SUPSI University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland.

Robert Lzicar is a designer, educator and researcher. At the HKB Bern University of the Arts, he is head of the MA Communication Design, researcher at the Department of R+D Communication Design, and professor of design history.

Posted by Corner College Collective