Wednesday, 12.10.2016


2016 / 201610 / Artist Talk
Trying to Figure Out — A Dialogue between a Nonconformist Artist & a Scholar
Nastasia Louveau, Lia Perjovschi

Diagram by Lia Perjovschi, portraits by Nastasia Louveau.

Starting from Lia Perjovschi’s early performance work of the 1980’s and scrutinizing how it relates to her current artistic practice of opening new spaces of knowledge and re-organizing those spaces, Louveau & Perjovschi want to propose a conversation about performance art, the connection of art and research, and different approaches to filling gaps with art, thus shortcutting 30 years of artistic practice and its context from communism to capitalism, from the local to the global art scene.

Posted by Corner College Collective