Sunday, 17.04.2016
Left: Flyer for the exhibition. Design: code flow. Right: Top row: Petra Elena Köhle & Nicolas Vermot Petit-Outhenin; Julie Sas; Alexander Tuchaček; Triin Tamm. Center row: Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Martina-Sofie Wildberger; Alexander Tuchaček, Denise Bertschi; Riikka Tauriainen, Alexander Tuchaček, Anne Käthi Wehrli; Martina-Sofie Wildberger, San Keller. Bottom row: Jonas Etter; Anne Käthi Wehrli; Martina-Sofie Wildberger, Triin Tamm; San Keller, Sophie Yerly, Jonas Etter, Hendrik Hentschel. Photos: code flow.
Throughout the event, performance Too expensive and not enough to eat by Sophie Yerly.
Modern science makes us understand the true character of the machine, of rationalization and of standardisation. All of that leads to one thing only: the economy. Economy attempts (is) the symmetricalisation of forces.
Art is to create inequalities.
from Yiannis Isidorou: What Asger Jorn (un)/taught me - a text of 11 positions regarding the movements and tropes of the artist in the symmetrical(ized) world of economy
17:00h Performance The Real On Kawara by San Keller in conversation with his father about his 43 years at the Cantonal Office of Personnel Bern.
San Keller schenkte seinem Vater zur Pensionierung in Anlehnung an On Kawaras «Today Series» den gemalten Bindestrich zwischen seinem ersten (20. April 1965) und letzten (31. Oktober 2008) Arbeitstag beim Kantonalen Personalamt Bern.
San Keller gave as a gift to his father the painted hyphen between his first (20 April 1965) and last (31 October 2008) working day at the Cantonal Office of Personnel Bern, in reference to On Kawara’s “Today Series.”
18:00h Performance A kind of palimpsest by Petra Elena Köhle & Nicolas Vermot Petit-Outhenin, „Pierre Ménard – Autor des Don Quixote“ by Jorge Luis Borges, read by Andreas Storm.
18:45h Performance Dreams come true by Martina-Sofia Wildberger.
19:15h Artist talks by Riikka Tauriainen, Alexander Tuchaček.
Discussion with the artists and the curators. Bar, party.