Sunday, 17.01.2016


2016 / 201601 / Artist Talk
Künstler_innengespräche // Artist Talks // Curatorial Introduction
Cold. War. Hot. Stars.
The Iron(y) Helmet of the Intellect

Denise Bertschi, Jackie Brutsche, Thomas Galler, Andreas Glauser, Andreas Marti, Nicolasa Navarrete, Sandra Sterle

Künstler_innengespräche und kuratorische Einführung mit

Denise Bertschi, Jackie Brutsche, Thomas Galler, Andreas Glauser, Andreas Marti, Nicolasa Navarrete, Sandra Sterle im Gespräch mit der Kuratorin des Projekts Dimitrina Sevova

im Rahmen der Corner College Ausstellung Cold. War. Hot. Stars. The Iron(y) Helmet of the Intellect.

Artist talks and curatorial introduction with

Denise Bertschi, Jackie Brutsche, Thomas Galler, Andreas Glauser, Andreas Marti, Nicolasa Navarrete, Sandra Sterle in discussion with the curator of the project Dimitrina Sevova

in the context of the Corner College exhibition Cold. War. Hot. Stars. The Iron(y) Helmet of the Intellect.

Posted by Corner College Collective