Friday, 22.05.2015


2015 / 201505 / Ausstellung / Diskussion / Finissage
Spooky Action at a Distance
(Artes Mechanicae and Witch's Cradle)
with a discussion between the artists and the curators
and a talk by Cathérine Hug on "The" Black Square

Amélie Brisson-Darveau, Brandon Farnsworth, Gabriel Gee, Catherine Hug, Andreas Marti, Conor McFeely, Benjamin Ryser, Dimitrina Sevova, HannaH Walter

Finissage of the exhibition Spooky Action at a Distance. Artes Mechanicae & Witch's Cradle, which opens on 23 April and closes today on 22 May 2015.

Invitation flyer for the exhibition.

18h00: Discussion between the artists and the curators, with Amélie Brisson-Darveau, Andreas Marti, Conor McFeely, Mareike Spalteholz, Gabriel Gee and Dimitrina Sevova.

19h00: Discussion with Cathérine Hug on "The" Black Square.

From Robert Fludd, The Metaphysical, Physical, and Technical History of the Two Worlds, Namely the Greater and the Lesser, Oppenheim 1617.

With a sound intervention, Lointain (2015) by Brandon Farnsworth, Benjamin Ryser and HannaH Walter.

Posted by Corner College Collective