Isabelle Krieg was born in Freiburg and now lives and works in both Zurich and Berlin. She studied at the Lucerne University of Sciences and Art and has since been exhibiting extensively in Switzerland and Europe. Decay and the passage of time are often seen in the work of Isabelle Krieg. Grass growing in the gallery, paint peeling of the walls and stacks of dirty dishes inspire the viewer to contemplate the artistic process, as well as natural processes of growth and decline. The theme of location or space is another that Krieg often revisits in her work. Krieg’s installations evoke half forgotten memories of tales that the viewer has never heard and spaces the viewer has never been. The viewer is invited to enter the artist’s imagination and is brought into an alternate reality of Krieg’s design.
Ausstellung / Workshop
Pursue Other Avenues
Flurin Bisig, Clare Kenny, Isabelle Krieg