Daniel Morgenthaler is a culture journalist and critic who has written for numerous publiciations including the Kunstbulletin, Basler Zeitung and the Züritipp and has contributed to various artists’ catalogues. In 2008 he was awarded the first R&R Prize for art journalism. Currently he is working as a curator in the Helmhaus , the civic gallery of the city of Zurich.
Kollaborateur_in in:
2015 / 201510 / Diskussion / Workshop
Crritic! – Veranstaltungsreihe zur Kunstkritik in der Schweiz
Daniel Morgenthaler, Aoife Rosenmeyer
Ausstellung / Dialog
Art slows the progress of a modern metropolis
art + argument, Colin Guillemet, Michael Hiltbrunner, Daniel Morgenthaler, Sabine Rusterholz
2015 / 201510 / Diskussion / Workshop
Crritic! – Veranstaltungsreihe zur Kunstkritik in der Schweiz
Daniel Morgenthaler, Aoife Rosenmeyer
Ausstellung / Dialog
Art slows the progress of a modern metropolis
art + argument, Colin Guillemet, Michael Hiltbrunner, Daniel Morgenthaler, Sabine Rusterholz