Pressebüro Savanne, World Trade Organization WTO

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This is a selection of WWW pages on the World Trade Organization WTO and its predecessor GATT. 

Contents of This Page

Introduction and Motivation

In conjunction with the campaign started by Play Fair Europe of Aachen, Germany, to launch counterinformation and activities against the WTO minister conference which will take place from 18 to 20 May, 1998 in Geneva, we put together a list of links pertaining to the World Trade Organization, its predecessor GATT, and connected topics.

The Campaign


World Trade Organization WTO (Critical Views)

World Trade Organization WTO (Official and Corporate)

WTO World Trade Organization (Various Resources)

Unsorted links (meaning: sorted only alphabetically)

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World Trade Organization WTO / Pressebüro Savanne /
Last updated 2000-03-04