Our interest is to investigate the consequences of neo-colonialist Western
European policies in Central and South-Eastern Europe, and of the discourse
on the "Fortress Europe" (German: "Festung Europa"), for the people in
Central and South-Eastern Europe, taking Bulgaria as an example.
National Assembly of Republic of Bulgaria
(partly in Bulgarian, but contains a detailed account of the 1997 parliament
session (228KB) and translations of numerous Bulgarian laws into English).
kalte Krieg - Zeittafel (in German; the cold war - chronology). This
chronology seems to be quite anti-communist, but we point to it here in
case it may be useful anyway.
als Chance - Die Mittel- und Osteuropäischen Länder (MOEL)2)
als Wegbereiter einer neuen Ordnungspolitik der Europäischen Union,
by Bernhard Seliger, Kiel (in German; transformation as an opportunity
- the Central and East European countries as pathmakers of a new order
policy of the European Union).
Wire stories about breaking news in Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Belarus,
Romania, Ukraine, Estonia, etc.). No discussion or posting allowed. (Only
available if your Internet Service Provider subscribes to ClariNet. Otherwise,
some of their news can be read at the ClariNet
WWW site.)
Wire stories about breaking news in Balkans (seems to be confined to former
Yugoslavia). No discussion or posting allowed. (Only available if your
Internet Service Provider subscribes to ClariNet. Otherwise, some of their
news can be read at the ClariNet WWW site.)
Unsorted links (meaning: sorted only alphabetically)